Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Last Straw (you might ever need)

Eco Straws :: Yet Another Way to Go Green!
This is such a fabulous idea! Straws by Carli on Etsy sells these super durable, reusable straws made of glass. They come in various sizes, some big for smoothies, some typical for just a regular beverage. They are made of the same glass as Pyrex, so these babies are extremely tough. The best part? (besides being green)... They are dishwasher safe!!!


→lisa said...

Wow, thanks for posting these! I have been wishing for something like this for a long time, but didn't know such straws actually existed -- very good to know that they do!

Sara at Soap Rehab said...

Wow these are so cool! I haven't seen glass straws since I was a kid! I need some for my kiddo, he'd love 'em.

Diamondaj said...

What a great idea!